HOA Board of Directors Bylaws

Bylaws Establish by Board of Directors since 12/10/18

  1.  ***Revised-See #7***All Paver or Concrete Driveway extensions must
    • Use a Contactor
    • Contractor must Submit a Build Plan
    • Owner must hold a “Hold Harmless” Permit
  2. Established Rules Enforcement Committee (REC) to approve 3rd-time letter of violation offenders submitted by Board of Directors.  Note:  This was established per State Statutes
  3. Established Fining to be approved by REC (See #2) per Home Violation
    • $10/day Trash Cans visible from street
    • $10/day Mow/Edge/Trim Grass
    • $20/day Tree/Shrub Trimming to no taller than 6ft (per CCRs)
    • $20/day Deferred Aesthetic Maintenance
    • $50/day Violating an Approved ARB. 
  4. Established that Renters do not get violation letters.  Homeowners get the letters only.
  5. $20 late fee for any homeowners who do not pay their Annual Fees on time without approval of payment terms from BCM & Southlake BOD
  6. $150 Fee for any ARB required work on home without ARB approval for any modifications that change the appearance of the home.
    • List of Items (Included but not limited to):
      • Landscaping
      • Painting of home -**See #8**
      • Driveway Extensions/Widening
      • Windows
      • Structural Changes outside of Builder’s Footprint
      • Pools
      • Fences
      • Awnings
  7. REVISED (7/20/23) #1-All Driveway extensions/widening must be Concrete or Pavers
    • Homeowner must use a Licensed Contactor
    • Contractor must Submit a Build Plan as a part of the ARB Approval Request
    • Owner must hold a “Hold Harmless” Permit
    • Rock Driveway Extensions are no longer allowed.
  8.  Painting of Home
    • Submit ARB Approval Request to Paint Home with Paint Color Chosen to BCM
    • Submit Physical Paint Chip to BCM or Member of Southlake HOA Board
    • BCM and/or HOA Board Member to submit chosen paint chip to remaining members of board to approve.
    • Approval to be given in timely manner once paint chip has been submitted.